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59th Congress of the DGH

Dear colleagues,

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the 58th Congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Handchirurgie (DGH) which will take place from October 12th to 14th 2017 in Munich. We will be hosting this event together with our trusted partner, Handtherapists, organized in the Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Handtherapie (DAHTH). Under the overarching theme “Inspired by Hand Surgery”, we will be presenting modern ideas and state-of-theart innovations within the field of Hand Surgery.

The topics chosen for our next congress will be of equal interest to both hand surgeons and general surgeons practicing in clinics on a daily basis. For the scientific presentations planned, various issues which face the field of Hand Surgery today will be addressed along with the innovations sparked by fundamental research. If you would like to prepare any papers or contributions for the congress that relate to our main themes, please turn them in as an abstract before the deadline on March 5th 2017.

During the event, experts will also be explaining many tried-and-tested subjects, most of which were first elaborated on during the instructional courses in Frankfurt. In an endeavor to enrich the congress even further, we will be offering a surgical course on wrist arthroscopy which is scheduled to take place prior to the congress.

Additionally an anatomical dissection course focusing on local flaps on the Hand is offered on the day before the scientific meeting.

As a guest society, the British Society for Surgery of the Hand (BSSH) will also be cooperating with us in 2017 by presenting a series of lectures. Rupert Eckersley, David Warwick and Grey Giddins together with other Experts from the U.K. will form a delegation and discuss several congress topics with us in English. Bear in mind, it is of the utmost importance for the field of Hand Surgery in Germany that an international exchange between experts takes place, especially when preparing for the 2019 IFSSH World Congress in Berlin.

With the field of Hand Surgery gaining more and more public interest, we will continue reminding the public of the hand surgeon’s role – to treat all hand-related diseases. By doing so, we believe that the field of Hand Surgery will continue to grow. The congress will be taking place at Gasteig, a popular cultural center in Munich. With thousands of visitors every day, Gasteig is the ideal congress venue to present our topics to the public.

We are very much looking forward to meeting everyone personally and conversing with close and new contacts. You can be sure to expect plenty of interesting discussions and a lot of fascinating exchange during this time in Munich.

Best regards
Riccardo Giunta

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Event location
Congress Center Rosengarten
Rosengartenplatz 2 Mannheim Baden-Württemberg 68161 Germany

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59th Congress of the DGH

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59th Congress of the DGH

Dear colleagues,It is with great pleasure that we invite you [...]