25th Annual International STRESS AND BEHAVIOR Neuroscience and Biopsychiatry Conference
An annual international event gathering scientists and psychiatrists from around the world to share an interest in stress-evoked brain disorders in both humans and animals.
- stress, fear; anxiety, depression
- neurogenetics of stress
- neuromediators and transporters
- neurosteroids in the CNS
- neurochemistry and neurophysiology of stress
- neuropsychopharmacology and neuroendocrinology
- experimental models of behavior
- stress, memory and learning
- psychophysiology and neuropsychology
- psychoneuroimmunology
- general psychiatry
- neuroethology and human ethology
- other brain/behavioral disorders
- gene x environment interactions
- translational research in biological psychiatry
- biomarkers of stress
Event tags
Event location
Oktiabrskaya Hotel
10 Ligovsky Prospect, St-Petersburg, Russia
Russian Federation