The art of the possible: Local anaesthesia in podiatry
Podiatrists hold LA certification as HCPC registered clinicians but many do not fully utilise local anaesthetics in practice to effusively exploit the therapeutic benefits of this tool. It is hope the proposed skills lab event will enhance knowledge, skill and confidence within the clinical applicability of LA techniques and procedures focusing on the delivery of tibial, sural and intermetatarsal blocks.
This course aims to provide podiatrists with theoretical underpinning and practical exposure to fully utilise local anaesthetics in practice, and is suitable for all podiatrists, particularly those who wish to fully utilise the scope of local anaesthetics in Podiatry. This should appeal to private and NHS based podiatrists.
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Event location
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
232 - 242 St Vincent Street Glasgow G2 5RJ
United Kingdom