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SRATS Congress 2018

The upcoming SRATS Congress 2018 held between 21-23 March in Bucharest is meant to bring new insights into the continuously evolving area of arthroscopic surgery. The participation of a higher number of top rated international invited speakers, improved three days scientific program structured in Highlight Lectures, Instructional Courses, Symposia, Debates, Roundtables, Free Papers, E-Posters, Lunch Workshops, Physiotherapy and Anesthesiology Symposia, the publication of the abstracts of the congress' presentations in a Thomson-Reuters indexed Scientific Proceedings Journal and a larger and modern congress venue are all important reasons to hope for an even better scientific event.

The scientific program will address mainly topics of interest related to the knee and shoulder pathology. During the numerous Symposia, the reconstruction of the cruciate ligaments, the pathology of the extra-articular knee ligaments, meniscal and cartilage pathology, gleno-humeral instability and rotator cuff injury will be thoroughly debated. However, improved and longer Symposia focused on hip and ankle arthroscopy will be included in the scientific program of SRATS Congress 2018. Moreover, topics from cross-specialties area will be debated during the Physiotherapy and Anesthesiology Symposia. Nevertheless, Oral Presentations sessions will be an important part of the scientific program and we kindly invite you send your work focused on arthroscopic surgery.

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Event location
National Theatre Bucharest
Avenue Nicolae Bălcescu 2, Bucharest Bucharest Romania 030167 Romania

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SRATS Congress 2018

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SRATS Congress 2018

The upcoming SRATS Congress 2018 held between 21-23 March in [...]