Challenges in Mental Healthcare for the Primary Care Provider
Challenges in Mental Healthcare for the Primary Care Provider
Napa, California
Napa Valley Marriott Hotel & Spa
July 11-14, 2018
Including topics on: Mood, Anxiety, Depression, and Substance Abuse Disorders, Chronic Pain Management, Cognitive Disorders in Older Patients, and much more…
For more information and to register, go to:
Heidi Combs, MD
Anna D. Ratzliff, MD, PhD
Edward A. Walker, MD, MHA, Conference Chairman
As a result of participating in this conference, you should have increased knowledge and enhanced competence to…
• Outline an enhanced approach to the biopsychosocial care of patients
• Discuss the practical management of challenging patients with and without multiple somatic complaints
• Describe the management of mood, anxiety, and chronic pain disorders
• Articulate the practical management of cognitive and emotional disorders in the elderly
• Discuss options for the management of substance abuse
• Outline the practical management of behavioral issues in children and adolescents
• Display developing management of emergency interventions, office psychotherapy, and lifecycle issues in women