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$995.00 - $1295.00
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Neurology 2018

Comprehensive Updates and State-of-the-ArtPractices for Outpatient and Inpatient Neurology

This Harvard Medical School CME program provides acomprehensive, evidence-based review of state-of-the-art practices foroutpatient and inpatient neurology. Education covers the latest guidelines,clinical strategies, use of imaging and new diagnostic tools (including genetictests), and recent advances for treatment for a wide array of neurologicaldiseases.

Education is practical and focused on patientoutcomes. Led by the foremost authorities in neurology and its subspecialties,the program provides tools to improve your care of patients with common,complex, and rare neurological conditions:

·       Epilepsy

·       Stroke

·       Multiple Sclerosis

·       Concussions

·       N-M Junction Disorders

·       Alzheimer's Disease

·       Parkinson’s Disease

·       Neuro-oncology

·       Headache

·       Spinal Cord Neurology

·       Sleep Disorders

·       Pain

·       Dementia

·       Neuropathy

·       Movement Disorders

·       Coma

·       Neuropsychiatry

·       Visual Disturbances

·       Autoimmune Neurology

·       Dizziness

·       Women’s Neurology

·       Neuro-ophthalmological Disorders

As updates are presented, they are paired withspecific practice recommendations to help you incorporate them into practicefor improved patient care and outcomes. This includes:

·       The new guidelines for epilepsy,stroke, neuromuscular disorders

·       Comprehensive updates for treatmentof neurologic pain

·       Expert instruction forneuro-ophthalmology

·       Expanded options to diagnose andtreat dementia

·       Improved management of headache

·       Best practices for treatment ofneurologic autoimmune disorders

·       Steps to ensure delivery ofhigh-quality care in the emergency room and in outpatient settings

·       Techniques to effectively manageepilepsy and psychogenic non-epileptic seizures

·       Best practices in neuro-oncology

·       New insights and best practices formyelopathy and other spinal cord disorders

·       Expanded options to treat movementdisorders

·       Updates in sleep medicine

·       State-of-the-art approaches toconcussion and coma

·       Expanded options to diagnose andtreat the causes of dizziness

·       Alcohol and the nervous system: whatwe now know

·       Use of genetic tests

·       Optimal use of imaging

Practice-Changing Education

Every year, there are a staggering number ofcritically important updates that need to be understood and incorporated intothe practice of neurology to ensure optimal patient care. This special neurologyupdate synthesizes this vast amount of information and presents it withefficiency and effectiveness to ensure that you are current with these updatesand the best ways to incorporate them into practice.

Over the course of a week, you will be immersed inan impactful and inspiring neurology learning experience. The faculty, masterclinicians and leaders in field of neurology, provide a learning experiencethat delivers:

·       Approaches that enable you topractice state-of-the-art neurology

·       Guidance for clinical reasoning

·       Case studies

·       Dedicated time for you to pose yourspecific questions to leaders in their respective fields of neurology and delveinto how information presented in this course can be used in your specificclinical setting

·       Practical knowledge that you can“take home” and immediately apply to patient care

Year after year, attendees report they are inspiredby the knowledge transfer and find the experience to be invaluable to theirclinical practice, understanding of neurologic diseases, diagnostic skills andtreatment outcomes.

NEW | Optional Half-Day Workshop

State-of-the-Art Treatments of Neurologic Pain

Friday, 12 October 1pm-5pm

This special workshop teaches state-of-the-artapproaches to pain management. You will learn the most current treatmentsavailable, and receive targeted guidance to optimize your care for yourpatients with neurologic pain.

Highlights include:

·       New treatment options for chronicmigraine

·       Best practices for the care ofpatients with neck and back pain

·       Updates in the evaluation andtreatment of complex regional pain syndrome and other autonomically mediatedpain syndromes

·       How, when and why to use local nerveblocks

·       Best ways to partner with ananesthesiologist in treating pain


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Royal Sonesta Boston
40 Edwin H. Land Boulevard Cambridge 02142
United States

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Neurology 2018

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Neurology 2018

Comprehensive Updates and State-of-the-ArtPractices for Outpatient and Inpatient NeurologyThis Harvard [...]