ESGAR Cases-based Workshop in Liver Oncology, Paris 2018
This course aims to give deep insights in liver oncology to board-certified radiologists and to show the importance of strong integration of imaging with clinical, biological and surgical expertise.
The two-day course addresses four different topics: hepatocellular carcinoma, intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, preneoplastic liver, and liver metastases. All topics will be introduced with the most striking results of the literature. Shorts lectures will be targeted on the most important issues. Recent innovations will be highlighted. Last, sessions will end up with multidisciplinary team sessions involving all experts and participants or a quiz. A unique group of European faculty members, including clinicians, pathologists, and radiologists well known for their experience and skills in teaching will offer outstanding lectures and actively participate to case discussions.
Category: Classes / Courses | Professional Training | Classes, Courses & Workshops.
Sub-Categories: Conferences | Science, Health & Medicine | CME (Continuing Medical Education).